During the IFLA conference being held this week in Lyon, the IFÉ’S intelligence unit (Veille et analyses) organises together with the Diderot library, a thematic visit focused on library and information services dedicated to education and training matters.
As we were told not to give participants too heavy printed materials, we ‘ve decided to give access in this post to some English documentation that could be of any help to understand what IFÉ is and what are the document services delivered by the intelligence unit.
Presentation: http://eduveille.hypotheses.org/files/2014/08/Diapo-IFLA-2014-intro-IFE-et-VA.pdf
V&A main websites:
- General website: http://ife.ens-lyon.fr/vst/
- List of reviews (Dossiers): http://ife.ens-lyon.fr/vst/DA/ListeDossiers.php
- Wikindx (team bibliographic management website): http://wikindx.ens-lyon.fr/
- Éduveille (team blog): http://eduveille.hypotheses.org/
Projects in progress:
- Édupass: archive for reviews and other writings by V&A members: http://edupass.hypotheses.org/
- ÉduObs: directory of researchers and junior researchers in education & training: http://ife.ens-lyon.fr/eduObs/
Other documentation available for download:
- complete list of reviews translated into English
- list of reviews (in French and/or in English) on specific common topics :
- abstracts of our last 2 translated reviews:
- Digital technologies in higher education (oct. 2012)
- Primary education: students at risk (dec. 2012)
Last but not least : of course similar documentation can be provided in French ! just ask !
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Laure Endrizzi (22 août 2014). Document services at IFÉ – IFLA visit. ÉDUVEILLE. Consulté le 13 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/o3so